Corporate Social Responsibility
At Brandskyddslaget we are a team. Our successful team spirit is not only visible in our willingness to collaborate and support each other, but also in our willingness to help others. This is why we are committed to working together to do something for those who do not have the same opportunities. We do our best to make a difference and take our responsibility as members of society – while at the same time strengthening our team spirit even more!

Our work on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) began in earnest one Christmas when we decided to give our employees something that was truly in the spirit of the season. That Christmas we donated our money to charity. Since then we have continued to provide assistance where we can and to focus on supporting projects where our sponsorship can create a social, economic and environmental difference. Our enthusiastic employees are often the source of project proposals.
In recent years we have provided support to the following projects, just to name a few:
- Mvindeni Primary School in Kenya (read more details below)
- Musikhjälpen (Music Aid)
- Cancer Research Foundation
- Children’s Cancer Research Foundation
- Save the Children International
- The Red Cross
- Salvation Army Summer Camp in Stockholm
- Team Rynkeby (where some of us participated)
The ability to actively participate in projects to help others makes us extra proud to work together at Brandskyddslaget.
Mvindeni Primary School in Kenya
Given that Brandskyddslaget aims to be a knowledge-based company, the Mvindeni School project lies close to our heart. Mvindeni Primary School is 30 km south of Mombasa in Kenya. In 2010, we funded a new school building, a sewing workshop, and a pre-school building. The money that we donate goes directly to the local builders without intermediaries.
The school now has three levels of education: Secondary School (with four years of study), Primary School and Pre-School. There are presently approximately 780 students in the school. Approximately the same number of girls and boys attend the school.
The quality of the new school buildings is significantly higher than for other schools in the region and the student grades are also among the highest. In 2015, the school was once again the best school in eastern Kenya. In November that same year, they registered another record – 30 students in 8th grade attained such high scores that they were awarded scholarships by the government to pay for their Secondary School studies.
The high standard in the school means that the best teachers apply for jobs in the school and that many parents strive to enroll their children in the school, creating a positive spiral for all students.