Reference Projects – Hospitals and Care Facilities

Skaraborg Hospital, Skövde
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About the Object
A new Care facility for children and women at the Skaraborg Hospital in Skövde. The size of the new building was approximately 8 200 m2. A new entrance for the existing building of 450 m2 was also included in the project together with renovation of existing care space for children and women covering about 3 800 m2.
The new building included a cellar floor with technical spaces, two care floors, and space for an out-patient care of children and youths, play therapy, maternity wards, and a neonatal ward. The renovation included two floors with space for delivery, specialist maternity care, a maternity and neonatal ward for support in your home and a closed children’s ward.
How have we assisted the project?
Brandskyddslaget has participated in the project since 2012 when we started working on the requirements for the request for proposals. Since the outset, we have been fire consultants for Västfastigheter, in close collaboration with Byggdialog, the lead constructor in this collaborative project.
In this way, Brandskyddslaget has participated in all aspects of the project from developing the systematic documentation and the building documentation to on-going provisions for the fire safety during the building phase, as the new building was in close proximity to existing active care facilities, and finally the inspection and development of the overarching documentation.
Client: Byggdialog in Värmland and Västfastigheter
Claes Malmqvist
+46 (0)54 770 78 04
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Central Hospital, Karlstad
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Om objektet
A new building containing the County Surgery building, Building 60, at Central Hospital in Karlstad. The building was comprised of three floors above ground containing surgery units with a total of 15 operation theatres, space for a pain relief ward, pre-operation facilities, educational facilities, and the County sterile equipment centre. The building also contained a garage in the cellar.
How have we assisted the project?
Brandskyddslaget has participated in the project since 2010, initially by working on the requirements for the request for proposals.
Since the initial stages, we have been a consultant for Skanska, the main contractor in this collaborative project and have been involved in developing the systematic documentation and the building documentation.
Brandskyddslaget is also the Quality Manager for fire-related questions for the County in Värmland. In this role, we have evaluated the project documentation from other organisations and ensured that the standards set up by the County are met by both the design and construction phases.
One of the greatest challenges with this project has been the fact that the building has taken place in direct connection to existing facilities where care has been on-going throughout the construction phase.
Client: Skanska and Landstinget
Photo: NWT
Urban Söderberg
+46 (0)54 770 78 03
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Dahlska huset, Falu Hospital
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About the Object
Falu Hospital was founded in 1695 as a clinic close to the Falu Copper Mine and it is, therefore, Sweden’s first Emergency Care Clinic.
Between 2010-2014, a new ward building was built called “Dahlska huset.” The hospital was extended, through a partnership project, by approximately 24 000 m² with new facilities for example for surgery, female care and emergency care.
How have we assisted the project?
Brandskyddslaget developed the fire safety requirements as part of the request for proposals, the building documentation and the overarching project documentation. The design entailed both analytical design and simplified design.
The project also included the reconstruction and extension of approximately 3 000 m2 in buildings 8, 9 and 31 at Falu Hospital. The reconstruction of the emergency ward included stepwise fire protection implementation plans in order to enable care to continue in spaces adjacent to the areas under construction. We were also able to assist the inspection organisation by conducting the inspections on site during the project’s different phases.
In addition to the fire safety design for “Dahlska huset,” we have also conducted a risk assessment of Falu Hospital’s handling of flammable goods and assisted their application for necessary permits for these activities.
Client: ByggPartner in Dalarna and Landstingsfastigheter Dalarna
Photo: Landstinget Dalarna
Håkan Pettersson
+46 (0)23 776 66 12
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