Reference Projects – Schools and Pre-schools

We have extensive experience of fire safety and risk assessment of schools and pre-schools. Below you can read about a selection of our projects. For more information don’t hesitate to contact us!
Glömstaskolan, Huddinge
Glömsta School, Huddinge
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About the Object
A new building for a school in Huddinge with 720 students in 4 parallel classes from kindergarten to ninth grade. The school was completed for use in the autumn of 2016. The school is designed as a compact four storey building. A central atrium/stairwell with numerous windows to each of the floors provides a feeling of connectivity in the building.

The entrance (first) floor is glazed toward the schoolyard, providing open visibility both from inside and outside of the building. The back of the entrance floor is built into the landscape in a souterrain design. The second floor contains space for music/drama/home economics and art and crafts labs, all of which can be used even outside school hours.

The more closed working areas are located on the third and fourth floors together with a teacher’s room, nurse and curator space, library and science labs, which are also designed for collaboration within research themes, and a terrace with a view of the surrounding fields. The school is designed without long corridors, rather the teaching rooms are grouped around irregular spaces that can be furnished in different ways to complement the essential facilities.

How have we assisted the project?
Brandskyddslaget has assisted in the development of system documentation, requirements for the request for proposals, building documentation, and overarching documentation. In addition to the fire safety design, which was conducted using simplified design, we have also conducted an analytical design of the fire classification of all glazed sections facing the atrium/stairwell.

Client: Huge Fastigheter AB and Arcona AB


John Hultquist
+46 (0)8 588 188 72
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Boo Gårds förskola, Nacka
Boo Gård’s Pre-school, Nacka
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About the Object
A new pre-school, Boo Gård’s Pre-school (Lotsen), for 160 students in Nacka. The project was completed in 2016.

How have we assisted the project?
Brandskyddslaget has participated in all aspects of the design of the pre-school. There are different design classes in the building which have required analytical investigation. We have also participated in the final stages of the project, including inspection of any measures taken and development of overarching documentation.

Client: Skanska and Nacka kommun


John Hultquist
+46 (0)8 588 188 72
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Nya Ållebergsgymnasiet, Falköping
Ålleberg High School, Falköping
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About the Object
Construction of a new building including educational facilities, a library, congregational halls and administration space for a senior high school. The project also included the reconstruction of existing spaces for education, a sports hall (including new construction of change rooms) and administrative spaces.

How have we assisted the project?
Brandskyddslaget participated in the detailed design and building phases, requirements for the request for proposals, building documentation including an analytical design with a simulation of fire development and design of the fire gas ventilation and evacuation.

We developed the fire protection documentation and participated in the final stages including inspection and verification of the fire gas ventilation.

Client: Skanska, Region Hus Väst, Skövde in partnership with Falköping County Council

Photo: Sweco


Claes Malmqvist
+46 (0)54 770 78 04
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