Vetenskapliga Publikationer

Publikationslista med vetenskapliga journaler samt forskarexamina sedan 2017, medarbetare som jobbar eller har jobbat på Brandskyddslaget är fetmarkerade. Utöver detta så publicerar vi varje år våra forskningsresultat i ett antal konferensartiklar som presenteras vid internationella vetenskapliga konferenser.



Frantzich H., Fridolf K., Liljestrand S., Henningsson A. & Lundin J. ”Locating people in tunnels using Wi-Fi technology”, Fire Safety Journal 2024.



Celander E & Artur Storm. ”Field evacuation experiment in a long inclined tunnel”. Fire Safety Journal 2022.



Mohaine S., Boström L., Lion M, McNamee R. & Robert F. ”Cross-comparison of screening tests for fire spalling of concrete” Published as early view, Fire and Materials, 2021;1–14. DOI:



Mindeguia J-C., Mohaine S, Bisby L., Robert F., McNamee R. and Bartlett A. ”Thermo-mechanical behaviour of cross-laminated timber slabs under standard and natural fires” Published as early view in Fire and Materials, 2020;1–19.

Mossberg A., Nilsson D. & Andrée K. ”Unannounced Evacuation Experiment in a High-Rise Hotel Building with Evacuation Elevators: A Study of Evacuation Behaviour Using Eye-Tracking” Published online, Fire Technology, 2020,

McNamee R., Zehfuss J., Bartlett A., Heidari M., Robert F. & Bisby L. ”Enclosure fire dynamics with a cross-laminated timber ceiling” Published as early view, Fire and Materials. 2020;1–11.,

Huang C., Lipatnikov A. N., Nessvi K. ”Unsteady 3-D RANS simulations of dust explosion in a fan stirred explosion vessel using an open source code”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 67, 2020

Mossberg A., Nilsson D. & Wahlqvist J. ”Evacuation elevators in an underground metro station: A Virtual Reality evacuation experiment”, Fire Safety Journal, First online: May 7, 2020

Johansson N., Anderson J., McNamee R., & Pelo C. “A Round Robin of fire modelling for performance‐based design” Fire and Materials. 2020;1–14

Wiesner F., Bartlett A., Mohaine S., Robert F., McNamee R., Mindeguia J-C. & Bisby L. ”Structural Capacity of One-Way Spanning Large-Scale Cross-Laminated Timber Slabs in Standard and Natural Fires”, Fire Technology 2020,

Hammarberg, J., Niva, H. & Mossberg A, Incorporation of elevator evacuation from a specific floor – A numerical study of an office building. In: Proceedings of Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2018, Collective Dynamics, 431-438, 2020,(Published in Collective Dynamics)

Amon F., Gehandler J., McNamee R., McNamee M. & Vilic A. “Fire Impact Tool- Measuring the impact of fire suppression operations on the environment”, Fire Safety Journal (2020), doi:

Sandström J. “Life Safety in single story steel frame building, Part II – Probabilistic design”, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering,

Mossberg A., McNamee R. Nyman H. & Olander M. ”A review of the Swedish fire safety regulation: From the industry’s perspective” , Fire and Materials, First online: March 5, 2020

Bartlett A., McNamee R., Robert F. & Bisby L. “Comparative Energy Analysis of Fire Resistance Tests on Combustible Versus Non- Combustible Slabs”, Fire and Materials. 2020;44:301 –310



Forssberg M., Kjellström J., Frantzich H., Mossberg A. & Nilsson D. ”The Variation of Pre-movement Time in Building Evacuation”, Fire Technology, First Online: July 12, 2019

Sandström J. “Life Safety in single story steel frame building, Part I –Deterministic design”, Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, Volume 10 issue 4

Sandström J. “The life safety objective in structural fire safety design”, Doktorsavhandling, Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser, Byggkonstruktion och brand, Luleå tekniska universitet Länk till avhandlingen:

Lundin, J. & Antonsson, L. “Road tunnel restrictions – Guidance and methods for categorizing road tunnels according to dangerous goods regulations (ADR)” Safety Science 116, 2019,

Nygren, G., Yndemark, B. & Lundin, J. “Safety Related Challenges when Designing Sustainable Cities – A Practical Example with an Underground CNG Bus Terminal”, International Journal of Applied Science; Vol. 2, No. 3; 2019,

Lundin, J. “Quantification of a safety target for an underground CNG bus terminal in Stockholm”, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 104, 2019,

Malmtorp, J., Lundin, J., Lundman, P. & Vedin, P. “Safety in Road Tunnels – Safety Target Proposal”, International Journal of Applied Science; Vol. 2, No. 3, 2019,



Andrée K. ”Utrymningshissar och utrymningsplatser utifrån de utrymmandes perspektiv”, Licentiatavhandling, Brandteknik, Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Lunds Universitet

Nilsson M., Husted B., Mossberg A., Anderson J. and Jansson McNamee R. “A numerical comparison of protective measures against external fire spread”, Fire and Materials, Volume 42, Issue 5, Special issue on Façade Fire Safety, pp 493-507, August-September, 2018

Anderson J., Boström L., Jansson McNamee R. and Milovanović B “Experimental comparisons in façade fire testing considering SP Fire 105 and the BS 8414‐1”, Fire and Materials, Volume 42, Issue 5, Special issue on Façade Fire Safety, pp 484-492, August-September, 2018

Anderson J., Boström L., Jansson McNamee R. and Milovanović B ”Modeling of fire exposure in facade fire testing”, Fire and Materials, Volume 42, Issue 5, Special issue on Façade Fire Safety, pp 475-483, August-September, 2018

Lundin, J. “Risk Evaluation and Risk Control in Road Overbuilding of Transport Routes for Dangerous Goods”, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Vol. 12, 2018,



Mohammadi Mohaghegh, A., Silfwerbrand J., Årskog V. and Jansson McNamee R. ”Fire Spalling of High-Performance Basalt Fibre Concrete”,  Nordic Concrete Research, ISSN 0800-6377, Vol. 57, nr 2, s. 89-102

Pimienta P., Alonso M-C., Jansson McNamee R. and Mindeguia J-C, “Behaviour of high‐performance concrete at high temperatures: some highlights”, RILEM Technical Letters (2017) 2: 45‐52

Sjöström J, Lange D, Jansson McNamee R. and Boström L. ”Anisotropic Curvature and Damage of Unbonded Post-tensioned Concrete Slabs During Fire Testing”, Fire Technology, May 2017, Volume 53, Issue 3, pp 1333–1351



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