
Space constraints, especially in larger urban areas, is the main driver for overbuilds. When developing on top of transport routes for dangerous goods, inclduing roads and railways, risks need to be evaluated. Need for protection and measures against fire, explosion and gases may be necessary. BSL can help you with advice and analysis of possible risks, during all project stages.

Our engineers at BSL are used to working with different types of clients, including municipalities, developers and architects. We carry out qualitative analysis (mainly early stages) and quantitative analysis where we calculate the risk level in the form of individual risk and societal risk. Based on calculated risk levels, an assessment of the risk level can be conducted and safety measures can be provided.



Rosie Kvål
+46 8 588 188 84
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Johan Lundin
+46 8 588 188 25
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Erik Hall Midholm
Erik Midholm
+46 8 588 188 60
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